Just not the kind I expected. Yesterday morning was horrible. I spent the day in a daze, and just wanted to go to bed and start new.
But Jasen's new skid steer arrived that afternoon. He calls it his Cadillac. I've pressured him into buying it, I admit. But he ices his foot for three days for every one day he run his old skid steer. The implement is controlled by your foot. We could invest in our retirement, or invest in his health. I vote health. And now he's beaming like a teenager with the hottest car in the high school parking lot.
This new beautiful orange beast is fully hand-controlled. There's no seat belt. It's a roller coaster apparatus that folds down. Even I was impressed. Air conditioning. Heat, A fold-down door. Bells and whistles I didn't know equipment could think of. This baby is impressive. And believe me, it is his baby. He's not working today, but I bet he'll find something to do with his new toy. Even if it's just driving it up and down the driveway.
And then I fell asleep. And dreamed I was driving to meet my family for dinner. In the Kubota skid steer. Turns out it doesn't run so well on the road. At least not in my dream. There were no breaks (yes, there are), I had to lie on my stomach to reach the controls (no, you don't), and people look at you like you're an idiot (yes, they would.)
The best part was when a cow looking just like Cream comes trotting along beside me in my skid steer. I call her name, but she doesn't turn her head. It's not my cow.
The convertible mustang tailgating me finally decides to pass, and the cow is sitting upright, just like the teenage boy beside her, acting like that was exactly where she was supposed to be. Even her hoof rested on the side window.
I woke up this morning sleeping on my stomach (I never do), with a horrible back ache. Turns out driving the Cadillac isn't as easy as one would think.
I have no idea what a skid steer is, but the visual is hilarious!