Thursday, July 1, 2010

As if going to the GYN wasn't uncomfortable enough...

I love my OB-GYN. He's hilarious. And thorough. His bedside manner is spot-on, and I'm comfortable talking to him.
The problem is, so does everyone else. He's always late. Hours, sometimes. And that annoys the crap out of me. Like my time is worth less than his because I'm not a doctor. But whatever. Doctors are always like that.
My yearly exam is not something I look forward to. Poking, prodding, paper clothes. Stepping on the scale. It all sucks. Big time.
But as if going to the GYN wasn't uncomfortable enough, my dear doctor decided to put a television in the waiting room. And not just any television. This television is one big infomercial for STDs, sexual dysfunction, pregnancy and any kind of discharge you can thing of.
I realized the addition when I sat down in the waiting room, next to an expecting couple. They were adorable. And then the woman on the tube began talking about the signs of Chlamydia. In men. I never knew something could be so disgusting and graphic with no pictures. This poor couple and I turned 14 shades of red. It was horrible.
The television made it's way through every possible sign of every possible STD. Fun times. Then it turned to self-exams for men and women, annoyances during pregnancy, and random sexual issues.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for education and openness. But in the waiting room? Seriously? Whatever happened to setting out a stack of brochures? I felt like I was in the middle of Crazy Town. Like there was a camera on me, waiting for me to just bust out laughing.
I'm pretty sure everyone else in the waiting room felt the same way as I did. We were all staring at the floor, feeling our cheeks burn, and giggling like a middle-schooler in sex-ed/

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