Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Movie Debacle

Juni is not a movie-going sort of kid. He's a play in the mud, work in the garden, rearrange the flower bed sort of kid. But we were heading into week two of a ridiculous heat wave, and I decided it was time to try the movie theater again.
Last fall he made it 40 minutes into the Chipmunk's Squeakuel. I can't say I wasn't relieved. That was just a headache waiting to happen.
This time I brought backup - Juni's best friend and his mom. We met at the theater early to make sure we beat the daycare buses to the free movie. It was 85 degrees and 9:15 am.
It's important to note at this time that i do not wear shorts unless it's more than 100 degrees outside and I'm fairly positive I will not see another human being that day. I hate my legs. With a passion. And so on this given day, I chose to wear jeans. Mistake No. 1.
I'm not sure why the heat bothered me so much. Maybe it was the 314 kids whining and squirming and fussing with each other. Maybe I didn't drink enough water that morning. Maybe it was too much makeup. I don't know. The point is, I began to sweat. A lot.
You may think I'm exaggerating here. Believe me, I am not. People were staring. My friend offered to stand in line while I sat in my car. My eyes were burning from the salt in my sweat pouring into my eyes. My chest was absolutely drenched. My entire shirt was soaked, as were my pants.
I have never seen another human being spew sweat from their glands as much as I did that morning. Juni kept trying to hang on me, and I was so irritated I reverted to what I told Jasen while I was in labor "I love you. But please. Stop touching me!"
By the time we made it into the theater I honestly didn't care what people were thinking. I went directly to the napkins at the concessions and started mopping up what I could. Insane.
So I was uncomfortable going into the movie, Hotel for Dogs.
I was surprised when Juni made it through the entire movie. This is not to say he didn't fidget, or squirm, or say he was ready to go home every 23 minutes.
What did surprise me is that watching a movie with Juni is worse than watching a movie with my redneck husband. Jasen is a mindless movie watcher. If the plot is he least bit intricate he's lost. If there's a flashback, he's out.
It drives me insane. He asks me questions I can't possibly answer. I'm constantly telling him "dude. I've been watching this movie as long as you have. I don't have any more information than you do. Now shut the hell up and watch the friggin movie."
As tedious as watching a move with Jasen is, with Juni it's worse. My child asked me questions the entire movie. He never stopped talking. And it's not like Hotel for Dogs is all that hard to follow. He wanted to know where people were going, what they were doing, what was going to happen, why that was going to happen, why, why, WHY?
Forty-five minutes into the movie I turned to my friend and just started to laugh. I didn't know what else to do. No way in hell could I answer one more question. I needed a serious dose of Tylenol.
Juni reminded me of my little cousin that day. Always asking why. But my friend gave me some insight that her younger brother told her the other day. Her younger brother always asked why, and it drive his parents and sibling crazy. But t also hurt his feelings. Apparently, he really did want to know why.
Kids are curious. And intelligent people naturally want to know why. And so I decided after the movie that I'm blessed to have  healthy, smart, curious child that can ask why. And while I may sneak in a giggle or roll my eyes occasionally, I'm going to do my best to answer his why.

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