Tuesday, February 22, 2011

14 Inches...

of snow. Get your minds out of the gutter.
I love snow. Juni loves snow. Jasen loves snow. It's beautiful, serene and just plain fun when you have acres to trek, sled, build snow families and flop down for snow angels. I love snow cream, cuddling on the couch. Shooting pictures. I. Love. Snow.
I do not, however, appreciate 14 inches of snow. I learned real quick that there's only so much one can do to keep their 4-year-old child and 34-year-old husband occupies. They get bored. Quick. And I get agitated. Extremely quick.
Also, the Chesapeake snow removal sucks ass. Seriously. They can kiss the fattest, most cellulite-ridden part of my ass. Our road remained treacherous for a full week. So they can bite me. But anyway...
Jasen spent the days we were snowed in pondering what he could do, and coming up with nothing. Well, not nothing. He did manage to drive me crazy. Literally crazy. We're talking having to meditate just to make it through the day crazy. Juni decided the cold just wasn't for him. He'd go out, play a bit, and come in crying because his fingers felt like they would fall off any second. Fun times. I spent my time cleaning up after my men, and bitching about it. And cooking. And cleaning some more. And giving myself facials. And anything else I could do to not go even more crazy.
I've decided I'm ready for summer. Stay tuned...in six months, I'll be bitching about sweating and sticking to my car's leather seats...

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