Friday, February 25, 2011

25 Things

This was a viral on Facebook a while back. Thought you may enjoy it...

1. i can tell when it's going to rain because the bunion on my left foot starts to throb.

2. doctor's wanted to break both of my feet and do reconstructive surgery because of said bunyons. my mom said no because i would have had two full leg casts and wouldn't have learned how to walk on time. she said no. i wish she'd said yes. if i have the surgery now i'm looking at months on crutches and in a cast.

3. my husband was my first "real" boyfriend. i was 15. he tracked me down 9 years later and the rest is history. we met at the skating rink.

4. i watched my sister give birth 6 weeks ago. it was one of the most amazing moments of my live.

5. my sister helped me give birth almost 3 years ago. that was the most amazing moment of my life.

6. i almost died when i was 5. something called epiglautitis, where your throat closes for no apparent reason. they flew in a surgeon from richmond to chkd and he put a tube down my throat. i remember pretty much everything. i came home on christmas eve.

7. i'm terrified of tongue depressors. result of doctor jamming depressor down my closed throat, vomiting, and choking.

8. i can put my fist in my mouth. comes in handy when a doctor presents a tongue depressor. much easier just to flip-top my head.

9. i'm double jointed. which comes in handy sometimes, but also hurts. my joints pop out while i swim, sleep, stretch...

10. i was the editor in chief of the collegiate times, virginia tech's newspaper, my senior year. it was great and horrible at the same time. way too stressful for me.

11. i still have the tab from blackburg from my 21st birthday. i drank 22 drinks and was sick for 3 days.

12. i can't drink much anymore. more than a glass of wine gives me a panic attack.

13. i have a relentless panic disorder. i've been on medication for years.

14. i have ADD. i took medicine in college and grad school, but struggled in high school.

15. i usually feel very out of place during social situations. the most moronic things will come out of my mouth for no apparent reason. i usually end up feeling like an idiot.

16. my son didn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time until he was 9-and-a-half months old. that means i didn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time until he was 9-and-a-half months old. he still wakes up several times a night, and i usually end up in his bed by morning.

17. i had night terrors and insomnia as a child. they did a sleep study on me.

18. i still count on my fingers.

19. my favorite tv shows are My Name is Earl and House. i think they both reveal sides of the human condition. I've also added Grey's Anatomy, and pretty much anything having to do with housewives.

20. i stare at imperfections on my face every night while sitting on my bathroom counter with my feet in the sink. not comfortable or sexy in any way. It's an unhealthy obsession.

21. i have nightmares just about every night, mixed in with two or three other extremely vivid dreams. i sometimes mix up my dreams for reality.

22. i once covered the supreme court.

23. my most recurring dream is that i'm back in the dorms with paula, but am married and have juni, so i have to commute. it SUCKS.

24.i have 11 cows, 10 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 cats and quebert, my goose, with his wife and six kids from last spring living in my back yard. i have a big back yard.

25. my biggest fears are 1. something bad happening to juni and 2. growing old.

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