Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What I Hate about Working Out

I've decided that dieting absolutely sucks. There is nothing about it that I enjoy. I'm irritable, deprived, always have a headache, and am just plain miserable. So I've decided to quit. And join the Y.
I love the Y. Juni loves the Y. And I actually enjoy the incumbent bike I ride. I get that high people are always talking about, and it rocks. It's also the only piece of equipment I can use until my back decided to cooperate with the cortisone injections.
But there are some thing I absolutely despise. here are a few.

1. People who wear sunglasses while working out. Indoors. It doesn't matter how cool you are. Sunglasses indoors make you look like a jackass. If there's something wrong with your eye, wear a patch. It's much cooler.

2. Eighteen-year-old bodies. All of them. I hate them. I walk into the Y feeling like I'm in decent shape. And then in walks some girl with shorts up her tanned butt with her perfect highlights in a perfect pony. There's no sign of the cottage cheese. It's so not fair.

Okay, so when I think about it, there are only two things I hate about the gym. No. 2 in particular really gets to me. I'm tired of not appreciating what I have. I'd like to live one day without being so tough on myself and my body. I'd like to live one day where I don't see someone else and think "damn I wish I had her legs."

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