Thursday, September 2, 2010

Car Conversations

Juni and I spend a lot of time in the car. That's what happens when you live on the outskirts. We rock out, we roll the windows down, and we talk. Some our best conversations take place in the car. Questions abound. "Mommy, what my finger made of?" "Mommy, when I gonna get bigger?" "Mommy, you do dat when you a girl?" "Mommy, you know daddy when he a boy?"
Some questions are better than others...

Yes, Juni?
Everybody die?
Yes, Juni. Everybody dies.
(short pause) Mommy.
Yes, Juni?
Everybody die when they get old?
Yes, Juni. Everybdy dies when they get very, very old.
(longer pause) Mommy...Nanny and PaPa very, very old you know. They gonna die aday (today)?
No, Juni. Not today.
(pretty long pause this time) Mommy...when you gonna die?
No time soon, baby. Mommy's not old yet. old, you know.
Thanks for that, son. Seriously. I'm not old.
(a minute later) Mommy...Shelby die, you know.
Yes, Juni. I know.
I miss her, you know. I love my new puppy Sadie, but I still miss my old dog, Shelby. I miss playing with her, you know.
I know, Juni. I miss her, too. (now I have a lump in my throat)
You ran ober (over) her with the car, you know.
Okay! Enough talk about death. Seriously, son. At this point, I'll talk about anything else. Politics? Religion? Where do babies come from? Take your pick.
Mommy...I already know where babies come from, you know.
Mommies get big bellies and den (then) poop dem (them) out. Just like the chickens poop out eggs and cows poop out baby cows.
Um...okay. who told you that, baby?
Daddy did. Mommy...when you gonna poop out your baby?
Excuse me? I'm not pregnant, Juni. I'm not pooping out any babies any time soon. Can we maybe talk about death again?
Alright, Mommy. But you do have a big belly, you know.
Thanks, Juni ... Okay! Unbuckle your belt...we're here! Thank the lord...

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