Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Years Resolutions can kiss it

I'm not a fan of New Years Resolutions. Every year I make one, usually to loose weight, I succeed for 50 seconds and then fail. Enter the guilt, and depression. Not good.
Last year I decided to make life resolutions...small changes that will make a big difference in my everyday experiences. 2011 was to realize what I have, and the struggles most people face. In other words, get over myself. I decided to realize that my life rocks. And things could be worse. For example, if I had a tummy ache, I'd let myself feel sorry for about 3 seconds. And then I'd thank God my tummy wasn't upset from chemo. Perspective was my life resolution. Something I try to gain each and every day. So far, so good.
This year I decided my life resolution was thoughtfulness. Jasen laughed. But I decided to make myself accountable. Check it out here
I mentioned Jasen laughed. He said my resolution was too broad. Here's how the conversation went:
Jasen "You should have the resolution to make and master 10 new recipes. You don't cook enough. You're cooking more than before, but not enough. And not with your heart."
Me: "'re giving me an assignment? Okay, Dad. Here's the thing. I used to cook for you all the time. And you never complimented me. Actually, every time you cook, you say it's the best in the world. This is the best shrimp ever! This is the best steak I've ever had! You love your cooking. And when I cook, you hover over my shoulder and tell me how to do things. Not fun. Before Juni was born, I cooked all the friggin time. But you made it miserable."
Jasen: "Okay, how about five?"
Me: "Seriously? Are you kidding me? I'm not your kid! You can't give me my resolution! I'll try to cook more, but I swear. If you hover, or tell me it's too healthy, or don't tell me you like anything, I'll never cook anything for you, ever again. Jackass."
Jasen: "Why are you so mean to me?"
Me: "Are you friggin kidding me?, what's your resolution?"
Jasen: "Don't have one. There's nothing I need to change."
Me: "I can think of a few."

And that's when I turned over in bed, completely pouting. The next thing I know, he's snoring. I have begun to cook more. And he still is completely convinced he needs no resolutions to change anything. Argh.

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